Recursos Para Tu Colegio O Equipo ESPAÑOL

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Middle School - High School Level - Adult 40 Question Quiz

*It will auto create the form.

Elementary School
11 Question Quiz

*It will auto create the form.


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Slides that guide the main presentation from Steph Rothstein's talk geared at Teachers.

Option A: Student Presentation in Google Slides (Audio on each slide)

Presentaciones Para Estudiantes - ESPAÑOL


Option B: Student Presentation in Pear Deck. Run Synchronous or Asynchronous.

Presentaciones Para Estudiantes - ESPAÑOL


Option C: Student Presentation in Pear Deck. Run Synchronous or Asynchronous.

Presentaciones Para Estudiantes - ESPAÑOL


Use these Speaker notes to help guide you through your understanding.

Personal True Color Slide to share

Class Group or Team Slide

Class Group or Team Slide Deck Application


* Necesitarás ejecutar Autocrat para automatizar los certificados de resultados. Actualmente Autocrat necesitará que lo redirijas a tu Google Drive

Presentaciones Para Estudiantes - ESPAÑOL


Can We Talk - Student Presentation Google Slides

Google Slide Student Presentation Próximamente

Nearpod Student Presentation Próximamente